Meet the Faces Behind CV4Smalls

Sarah Ostadabbas, General Chair
Northeastern University
Sarah Ostadabbas is an associate professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Northeastern University (NU), Boston, Massachusetts, USA. At Northeastern, Professor Ostadabbas is the director of the Augmented Cognition Laboratory (ACLab) and the Co-Director of The Center for Signal Processing, Imaging, Reasoning, and Learning (SPIRAL). Professor Ostadabbas is the co-author of more than 100 peer-reviewed journal and conference articles and her research has been awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), including Pre-CAREER and CAREER awards, Department of Defense (DoD), Mathworks, Amazon AWS, Verizon, Oracle, Biogen, and NVIDIA. She served in the organization committees of many workshops in renowned conferences (such as CVPR, ECCV, ICCV, ICIP, ICCASP, Bio- CAS, CHASE, ICHI) in various roles including Lead/Co-Lead Organizer, Program Chair, Board Member, Publicity Co-Chair, Session Chair, Technical Committee, and Mentor.

Yanjun Zhu, Workshop Chair
Northeastern University
Yanjun Zhu is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Experiential AI (EAI), Northeastern University. He focuses on developing human-centric AI solutions that leverage machine learning to extend human intelligence. His research interests are human activity analysis, video understanding, and their applications. Before joining EAI, he received his Ph.D in computer science from the State University of New York at Buffalo. There, he worked on developing algorithms and models that can accurately predict future actions and high-quality movements. It has significant applications in various fields, such as human-robot interaction, autonomous driving, and extended reality. His work was awarded the Outstanding Paper Award by the European Society of Agricultural Engineers in 2016. He has published or served as a reviewer on conferences like NeurIPS, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, ICPR, ICIP, IROS, ICLR, WACV, etc

Somaieh Amraee, Workshop Chair
Northeastern University
Somaieh is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Northeastern University’s Institute
for Experiential AI based at Roux Institute, Portland, Maine. She is a specialist in machine learning and computer vision with a focus on healthcare applications. Her research focuses on multi-view multi-person tracking in human health-related applications. She is developing an unobtrusive and non-invasive vision-based monitoring system for monitoring human behaviors in the home and clinical environments with the ultimate goal of predicting aggressive behavior in children with autism. She has published her findings in WACVW2024, MULTIMEDTOOLS APPL Journal, SIGNAL IMAGE VIDEO P Journal.

Elaheh Hatamimajoumerd, Workshop Chair
Northeastern University
Elaheh is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Northeastern University’s Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering, specializing in artificial intelligence with a focus on computer vision and machine learning in the small data domain. Her research aims to develop AI-guided systems for monitoring and assessing motor function in infants, enabling non-invasive tracking of motor impairments within their natural environment. She has published her findings in MICCAI2023 and CVPRW2023, with the ultimate goal of facilitating early detection and intervention of neurodevelopmental disorders in infants and children through affordable computer vision models.

Michael Wan, Workshop Chair
Northeastern University
Michael Wan is a Research Scientist at Institute for Experiential AI (EAI) at Northeastern University, based at the Roux Institute campus in Portland, Maine. He does research in computer vision, machine learning, and applications to healthcare, working closely with scientific collaborators on projects in infant state and pose estimation, infant neurodevelopmental health, medical image analysis, and more. Dr. Wan grew up in Toronto, Canada. He completed an HonBSc in mathematics, physics, and philosophy at the University of Toronto and a PhD in mathematical logic at the University of California, Berkeley, and held a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in mathematics at the Ben-Gurion University.

Shayda Moezzi, Workshop Chair
Northeastern University
Shayda Moezzi is pursuing a PhD in Computer Engineering at Northeastern University in the Augmented Cognition Lab, under the guidance of Professor Sarah Ostadabbas. Her current research focuses on AI, small data, and computer vision. Shayda’s inspiration for her work stems from a deep fascination with the complexity and beauty of human perception and the challenge involved in replicating these processes within artificial systems. She completed her BSc in Computer Science and Engineering at MIT. Shayda has worked with the Mars Science Laboratory at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, performing data analysis on robotic arm data from the Mars rover to optimize future arm operations. She also completed a summer robotics fellowship at ETH Zurich’s Zeilinger Lab, where she developed vision-based algorithms to enhance autonomous driving systems.

Chen Chen, Workshop Organizer
University of Central Florida
Chen Chen is an Assistant Professor at the Center for Research in Computer Vision, University of Central Florida. He received the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas in 2016 where he received the David Daniel Fellowship (Best Doctoral Dissertation Award). His research interests include computer vision, efficient deep learning, and federated learning. He has been actively involved in several NSF-sponsored research projects, focusing on ubiquitous machine vision on the edge and federated learning over-the-air for large-scale camera networks. Dr. Chen was an Area Chair for CVPR 2022, ECCV 2022, ACM Multimedia 2019-2022, ICME 2021-2023, and WACV 2019. He was an organizer of CVPR 2021 tutorial on Cross-view and Cross-modal Visual Geo-Localization. He was the lead organizer of the Workshop on Federated Learning for Computer Vision (FedVision) in conjunction with CVPR 2022 and 2023.