🚨 The submission period for the workshop has ended and we are no longer accepting any new submissions. Thank you to all those who have submitted!

We are pleased to invite you to submit your original research contributions to the 2nd workshop on Computer Vision with Small Data (CV4Smalls): A Focus on Infants, Toddlers, and the Elderly, to be held in conjunction with the 2025 Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). The workshop will take place in person between February 28-March 4th, 2025, in Tuscon, Arizona.

The CV4Smalls workshop is dedicated to exploring the challenges and innovations in applying computer vision techniques to scenarios where data is limited, with a specific emphasis on infants, toddlers, and the elderly. As these domains present unique data constraints, the workshop aims to foster discussions and solutions that overcome these challenges and leverage computer vision for data-critical applications.

We invite researchers and practitioners to submit original research papers, not exceeding 8 pages, adhering to the WACV template and guidelines. Workshop papers will be included in IEEE Xplore, but will be indexed separately from the main conference.

📥 You can submit your paper on CMT by clicking here. All important dates and deadlines are indicated on the Timeline tab.

🗓️ Submission Deadline (EXTENDED) December 10, 2024 11:59 PM (Pacific Time)

⚠️ 📑 Special Requirement

Please make sure to add a “Small Data Statement” subsection at the end of your Introduction Section. This should detail: (1) the reasons your research qualifies as small data research and (2) the methods you’ve employed to tackle this challenge within your study. Failure to include this section will result in your submission being rejected without review.

Topics of Interest
  • Transfer Learning, Domain adaptation
  • Learning with Weak or No Supervision
  • Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Learning
  • Active and Continual Learning
  • Learning with Data Augmentation: Data-Driven Generative Models
  • Learning from Synthetic Data: Physics-Based Simulation
  • Multi-Task and Meta Learning
  • Learning with Enforced Structured Prior Knowledge
Applications of Interest
  • Infants/Toddlers/Elderly Image Segmentation, Registration, and Classification
  • Infants/Toddlers/Elderly 2D or 3D Pose Estimation, and Posture Classification
  • Infants/Toddlers/Elderly Facial Landmark Detection and Tracking
  • Infants/Toddlers/Elderly Action Recognition
  • Infants/Toddlers/Elderly Multi-View Multi-Subject Tracking
  • Infants/Toddlers/Elderly 3D Body Reconstruction, Image/Motion/Video Generation
  • Infants/Toddlers/Elderly Behavior Analysis in Healthcare Applications